Enable API Management for bookinfo


In this section we shall enable the API management for bookinfo application using the 3scale WASM module

Create Service Entry

To have the 3scale Web Assembly module authorize requests against 3scale, the module must have access to 3scale services. You can accomplish this within Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh and Istio by applying an external ServiceEntry object.

The custom resources set up the service entries for access from within Service Mesh to 3scale Hosted (SaaS) for the backend and system components of the Service Management API and the Account Management API. The Service Management API receives queries for the authorization status of each request. The Account Management API provides API management configuration settings for your services.

  1. Create a Custom Resource Definition file for the System Service Entry with name 'ServiceEntry_system-entry.yaml' using vim or any other editor on the CLI. Copy paste the below yaml into the file and save it.

    apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1
    kind: ServiceEntry
     name: system-entry
       - system-provider.3scale.svc.cluster.local
     location: MESH_EXTERNAL
       - name: http
         number: 3000
         protocol: HTTP
     resolution: DNS
  2. Create a Custom Resource Definition file for the Backend Service Entry with name 'ServiceEntry_backend-entry.yaml' using vim or any other editor on the CLI. Copy paste the below yaml into the file and save it.

    apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1
    kind: ServiceEntry
     name: backend-entry
       - backend-listener.3scale.svc.cluster.local
     location: MESH_EXTERNAL
       - name: http
         number: 3000
         protocol: HTTP
     resolution: DNS
  3. Apply the CRDs to your cluster using the below command

    oc apply -f ServiceEntry_system-entry.yaml -f ServiceEntry_backend-entry.yaml -n bookinfo

Create Service Mesh Extension

The ServiceMeshExtension custom resource spec provides the configuration that the Proxy-WASM module reads from. The spec is embedded in the host and read by the Proxy-WASM module. Follow the below steps to configure the ServiceMeshExtension

  1. If you haven’t already noted down the 'Admin Access Token' from 3scale Secret from earlier labs please follow these steps. Retrieve the Admin_Access_token using the Console UI. Select 3scale project and Navigate to Developer > Secrets and search for system-seed

    seed nav
  2. From the system-seed secret just copy and note down the the Admin_Access_Token

    admin cred
  3. The service token wil enable the permission for service mesh to be able to access a particular 3scale product. From the 3scale admin-portal navigate to Account Settings > Personal > Tokens and Copy the Service Token of the product we created earlier

    service token ui

    Alternatively, you can also use 3scale admin access token along with the 3scale product ID from the 3scale product configuration earlier and run the following command with values replaced to obtain the Service token. Do not forget to Replace the cluster wildcard url:

    curl https://3scale-admin.{cluster wildcard url}/admin/api/services/{product id}/proxy/configs/production/latest.json?access_token={access token} | jq '.proxy_config.content.backend_authentication_value'

    Your final command after replacing the values should look something like this

    Copy and note down the Service Access Token obtained

  4. Create a Custom Resource Definition file for the Service Mesh Extension with name 'ServiceMeshExtension_bookinfo.yaml' using vim or any other editor on the CLI. Copy paste the below yaml into the file and replace the access token, service token, product id values and shown in the image below and save it.

    apiVersion: maistra.io/v1
    kind: ServiceMeshExtension
     name: bookinfo
     image: 'registry.redhat.io/openshift-service-mesh/3scale-auth-wasm-rhel8:0.0.1'
     phase: PostAuthZ
     priority: 100
         app: productpage
       api: v1
         name: system
         token: VDG2U6c9kXwdetUH
           name: >-
           timeout: 5000
           url: 'http://system-provider.3scale.svc.cluster.local'
           - no_body
         name: backend
           name: >-
           timeout: 5000
           url: 'http://backend-listener.3scale.svc.cluster.local'
         - id: '3'
           token: cf939c57f946bb3c809508caabeac45db51782f1c671e4a2dd2dad57d29ba394
             - '*'
               - header:
                     - app_id
               - query_string:
                     - app_id
               - header:
                     - app_key
               - query_string:
                     - app_key
               - query_string:
                     - user_key
               - header:
                     - user_key
             - method: GET
               pattern: /
                 - delta: 1
                   name: hits
    terminal guide
  5. Apply the CRD to your cluster using the below command

    oc apply -f ServiceMeshExtension_bookinfo.yaml -n bookinfo

    We have now successfully manged the API with 3scale. Next we have to authorize an application to acess this API

Authorize an application to consume the API managed

  1. Login to 3scale and navigate to Products > wasm-demo > Applications > Listing and Click Create Application

    create app
  2. Choose the default Developer Account, wasm-basic as Application Plan. Give any name and description to the application. Click on Create Application

    app details
  3. You should now have an API user key that you can copy and use for authorization

    api key

Verifying the policy enforcement

  1. You can now verify the policy enforcement by first calling the endpoint without credentials and then later using the api key.

  2. Open a browser window and navigate to:

  3. Copy and paste the below command. Do not forget to Replace the cluster wildcard url from the 3scale installation part.

    curl -v http://istio-ingressgateway-istio-system.{cluster wildcard url}/productpage
  4. You should see a 403 status and we have not provided an api user key.

  5. Now let’s append the api key and see what happens. Copy and paste the below command in reqbin. Do not forget to Replace the cluster wildcard url and userkey.

    curl -v http://istio-ingressgateway-istio-system.{cluster wildcard url}/productpage?user_key={user key}
  6. You API call should be successful and should show a 200 HTTP response. If you make more than 8 calls per minute (recollect the limit we set in our application plans) you should see a 403 status. The count gets refreshed every minute

  7. In case you want to verify the calls on Kiali and Jaeger you can send multiple calls via reqbin and check the paths and traces on the Kiali and Jaeger interfaces as illustrated earlier.